for Triangle
The ways of this world
as the bible says is a consistent pattern. It is repeated, mundane, bland and
consistent. Think of a pattern- circle, square, circle, square, circle, square,
triangle, square, circle, square. You caught something. Didn’t you? Did the
word “circle” all of the sudden catch you off guard? No. None of the circles or
squares were significant. It was the triangle that you noticed, and that is
exactly how we are called to live.
times, we can forget whom we represent. It’s unbelievable to me how closely we
are being watched, because of a simple statement like “I am a Christian.” Sadly
there are multiple versions of what that statement really means. However,
fortunately the Lord has laid it out very precisely as to the way that
statement ought to be lived out. Sometimes it becomes easy to forget that our
lives are a representation of something and someone way bigger than us. The way
we respond, the way we respect authority, the way we forgive, honor our
parents, respect our spouses, the list goes on and on. We can become
lackadaisical with our everyday routine in life, and tend to forget that we are
living examples of the Lord. Therefore we need to be more conscious and
intentional of the way that we live.
our modesty, to our talk, to our attitudes; every little aspect of life needs
to be filtered through the Word of God. One of the hardest things to do is to
discipline our minds to focus on things above. In the natural, when someone
hurts us, we hurt back. In the natural, when we’re tired, we act lazy. In the
natural, everybody else is doing it; we do it. These are all natural causes and
therefore natural effects. We need to remind ourselves that we are not called
to work in the natural. He is a supernatural God, and that’s where our minds
are to be set. Our minds are not to be set on the ways of this world. We don't
respond as this world responds. We don't talk like this world talks. We rise
above and do not conform to the PATTERNS of this world. He came down to this
earth and set an incredible example for us to go off of.
are called to be a light in a dark world, the salt of the earth. When you think
of these terms taken from the Bible, they are all referencing to one main idea.
We are called to stand out, and when we strive to be different according to the
Word, we will begin to look different. The Word will grab ahold of your life
and He will do the transforming from the inside out. We have someone absolutely
incredible to represent. He has saved us from the ultimate consequence of our
sin by sending his one and only son to take our place. His unending mercy and
grace is our driving force that pushes us towards becoming more like Jesus, so
we can further His kingdom and show others what He has done for his beloved. Go
out and make disciples of men, and let our lives be a living example, sacrifice
and representation of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.