As I sit here quietly, looking out at the rainy and windy weather with my plastic cup of coffee purchased at a gas station, I can't help but think about all of last week and the few things that stuck out to me and sort of sum it up. Something along the lines of fear, hurt and distrust. It sounds a little dramatic, but for some reason I can't help but be honest with myself and say that those words are the best words to describe how I've felt.
Moving to Dallas is an opportunity for me around this upcoming September. My parents, two younger siblings and a couple other siblings are packing up and heading there this Summer with much to look forward to. However, as thrilled as I am for them, I cannot say that I am in the same position. I don't have something super exciting waiting for me. I haven't felt a push from the Lord yet to go nor stay, and I've let satan make me feel as though everything wonderful was happening to my parents, brothers and sisters and somehow the Lord was forgetting about me. Nothing happening, nothing too exciting, a lot of potentials, but nothing set in stone. I've felt confused, forgotten and hurt. Change is something I've always sort of disliked. Highly. It's scary to have no idea what is next. Not knowing what's happening with this situation over here, that situation over there, nothing really concrete going on, it's terrifying. I was frightened and sort of felt like I was put on the back burner, along with all of the crazy feels of change. It didn't feel good- to say the least.
Do you ever have one of those days, or even weeks where you just cannot understand how or why you are so emotional? I consider myself a pretty sensitive person. Emotional? Not so much. If anything, I can't stand when people see me cry! However for some reason, I just couldn't seem to push that little ball of tears back down my throat. It was just everything... coming home, making some tea and tearing up at the table, or waking up and having a quiet time that continually seemed to end with my face in my hands, or watching Parenthood by myself and seriously bawling towards the television! It wasn't until yesterday morning when I began trying to figure out what these (not very good) feelings were, and where they were coming from. I went to church, and during the entire worship portion of the service, I couldn't even open my mouth to sing without crying. I felt it in my spirit, but couldn't utter the words towards the Lord. That's when I began to realize where I was at, and how badly I needed prayer. Sometimes we're able to completely explain to God what is going on with us. Other times, you can't even move your lips to explain why you feel the way you do- if you even understand yourself.
The words "You will never leave me" or "You are right by my side" were lyrics that I just couldn't find the strength to sing. Why? Because I didn't FEEL them. Those words and lyrics of truth were just so hard to even think of, given the fact that I felt so forgotten. I couldn't find it in me to sing and to pray, telling the Lord what I felt or wanted. Thats when I asked my sister if she would pray for me before her and her boyfriend left my house last night.
Before they left, we sat on my bed and sort of offered up our prayer requests. I listened to what was going on in her life, her fears and her excitements, setbacks and worries. I listened to her boyfriend Matthew as he discussed the different anxieties going on in his life and the fearful thoughts running through his mind, and as it came to be my turn, they listened. I didn't tell them what to pray for, because honestly- I had not a clue. I simply expressed my hurts and fears with them. What I felt in my heart and what I thought in my mind. And as I sat there discouraged and in hurtful tears, they graciously and encouragingly lifted me up. Not with opinions but with truths. They reminded me of the things that I knew in my heart to be true about how much the Lord has in store for my life, and the amazing thoughts He has towards me. That He hasn't forgotten me one bit. Before we even bowed our heads, the love I felt inside and the truths that I had neglected for some time was re-instilled in my mind and my heart. It was beautiful.
Something happened while praying for each other. A certain strength, peace and love was flowing within us. Throughout all of the anxieties, fears and hurts, the Lord is so, so good. He is with us, and working through us in this time of vulnerability and confusion. The power of prayer gave me the strength to move forward with a better mindset and attitude for this week. Granted, there are certain fears that I am going to have to continuously work through. It'll be a journey of growth and learning, but I'm willing and excited. I'm excited to trust, to learn and to grow more intimate with Him. I'm ready to let go of the things that I feel, and replace them with the truth inside of the Word that I know in my heart, and I'm thankful that I have loving people who may remind me of that in the mean time.

Monday, April 28, 2014
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Keep Pushing
It happens to everyone. There comes a point where our work, school responsibilities and relationships catch up with us, and we become so bogged down by it all. Our priorities lose order, we quit praying, our bibles become dusty and for some reason we know what to do, but nothing changes.
It can be very difficult sometimes to push through, or to find the strength to do so. We get caught up in our own self-pity and remain stuck until it literally becomes so draining and heavy that we have no idea how we got there, and what to do to get out of it. This mindset of passiveness is very dangerous. We begin to seek other things instead of seeking the Lord, and we start running away from the healthy and beneficial things that we need, which will ultimately bring us peace, strength and joy.
There are a few ways that the Lord helps us to push through. Putting these things to action can be the hard part, but I promise you- it's Satan drilling that feeling into your mind. All we have to do is take one step forward, and we'll see it wasn't so bad after all. We don't have to do it on our own! The Lord is doing it for us, and all we have to do is trust Him.
1. Accountability
Surround yourself with people who will encourage you and lovingly call you out when you begin going through the motions or coasting. There's something so freeing, strengthening and encouraging about sharing our burdens with people that we can confide in, pray with or simply vent to. Whatever it may be, those people in your life are to cherish. Allow yourself to become vulnerable, and use those prayer warriors and encouragers to walk with you through times like those. The Lord has them in your life for a reason and it's so beautiful to see what can grow from transparency.
2. Taking Every Though Captive
It's so easy to allow ourselves to become a victim during these trying times. Our perspectives can become so easily changed by simply a verse, an encouraging word, or even the literal act of intentionally taking a negative though or feeling and turning it around, making it pleasing to you and the Lord. Don't let Satan fill your mind with all of these discouraging and helpless thoughts. We have the mind of Christ, and we can do all things through Him.
3. He Sees You
One of the most common feelings is that we are doing it alone! We are totally not, and its so difficult to see that when we are in the middle of it all. We so often forget the blessings that the await us on the other side of these funks. God is right with us, holding our hands and acknowledging every step that we take, either forward or backwards. The best part is, is that He isn't condemning us! He is encouraging us, helping us and loving us through every little moment. Weather we are going strong or we are in these terrible ruts in our lives, He never leaves nor forsakes us. He sees our hurts, cares and hard work and cares for them so deeply.
The next time you are sinking in quick sand and feel as though you are helpless, remember these truths. You may be going through one of those times right now! Whatever and whenever it may be, recognize and remember these 3 simple things, and our journey to growing closer to Christ and moving forward as a stronger and bolder believer will begin. You can do it!
It can be very difficult sometimes to push through, or to find the strength to do so. We get caught up in our own self-pity and remain stuck until it literally becomes so draining and heavy that we have no idea how we got there, and what to do to get out of it. This mindset of passiveness is very dangerous. We begin to seek other things instead of seeking the Lord, and we start running away from the healthy and beneficial things that we need, which will ultimately bring us peace, strength and joy.
There are a few ways that the Lord helps us to push through. Putting these things to action can be the hard part, but I promise you- it's Satan drilling that feeling into your mind. All we have to do is take one step forward, and we'll see it wasn't so bad after all. We don't have to do it on our own! The Lord is doing it for us, and all we have to do is trust Him.
1. Accountability
Surround yourself with people who will encourage you and lovingly call you out when you begin going through the motions or coasting. There's something so freeing, strengthening and encouraging about sharing our burdens with people that we can confide in, pray with or simply vent to. Whatever it may be, those people in your life are to cherish. Allow yourself to become vulnerable, and use those prayer warriors and encouragers to walk with you through times like those. The Lord has them in your life for a reason and it's so beautiful to see what can grow from transparency.
2. Taking Every Though Captive
It's so easy to allow ourselves to become a victim during these trying times. Our perspectives can become so easily changed by simply a verse, an encouraging word, or even the literal act of intentionally taking a negative though or feeling and turning it around, making it pleasing to you and the Lord. Don't let Satan fill your mind with all of these discouraging and helpless thoughts. We have the mind of Christ, and we can do all things through Him.
3. He Sees You
One of the most common feelings is that we are doing it alone! We are totally not, and its so difficult to see that when we are in the middle of it all. We so often forget the blessings that the await us on the other side of these funks. God is right with us, holding our hands and acknowledging every step that we take, either forward or backwards. The best part is, is that He isn't condemning us! He is encouraging us, helping us and loving us through every little moment. Weather we are going strong or we are in these terrible ruts in our lives, He never leaves nor forsakes us. He sees our hurts, cares and hard work and cares for them so deeply.
The next time you are sinking in quick sand and feel as though you are helpless, remember these truths. You may be going through one of those times right now! Whatever and whenever it may be, recognize and remember these 3 simple things, and our journey to growing closer to Christ and moving forward as a stronger and bolder believer will begin. You can do it!
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Give it to Him
"Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power." Ephesians 6:10
Where to BEGIN!? I almost have no idea. However, I do know that this morning was a big one. A morning of freedom, realization, pain and excitement! A lot of feels for one morning, but believe it. When I was in High School, I was in my parent's room and my dad told me to stand on the very edge of this floral rug that they had on the ground in front of their television. As I stood there confused, he told me to then lean far in front of me while keeping my feet on the edge. As far as I could go without letting myself fall. He then proceeded to tell me that that was where I was. That I am on the edge of something amazing! I'm so close to being in a good state, a peaceful and powerful place in my relationship with the Lord, but something is holding me back and I'm letting it. That's exactly how I've felt in these past several months.
Have you ever held onto something that you feel the Holy Spirit telling you to let go of? Are you currently rather? Bitterness towards a sister, a lingering relationship with a significant other, hurt from a friend doing you wrong, fear of something that should be in the Lord's hands? Whatever it is, I'm with you. For a long time, I've felt like I could't fully and 100% give every ounce of me to the Lord. And I had no idea what it was! I seriously would wake up and not have peace, and not understand as to why I couldn't just sit and rest in the presence of God without going back and seeing if there is any sin that hash't been dealt with, or trying to figure out where I let satan get a foothold. I got tired of it- and did nothing about it. Needless to say, fear took over. I wanted so desperately to just give EVERYTHING of myself to the Lord, but the Holy Spirit was telling me to let go of something, and slowly but surely after shoving that particular thing to the back of my mind in hopes that our God would potentially you know- just forget about it like I wanted to, after intentionally becoming so distant from that very thing that I had to pray and ask the Lord what it was, fully knowing the answer however not wanting to accept it, after such a long time without full satisfaction, I allowed myself to realize. And BOY was it difficult. I kept thinking "what if I let this go and You don't replace the pain with something else?" In other words, "What if I have to hurt?"
For some reason, this very question, "what if I have to hurt" kept me from peace, joy, fulfillment and freedom for quite some time. We are so afraid of hurt, when this is the very thing the Lord tries to prepare us for in His word. We will experience pain, for His glory alone! My fear and distrust in the Lord led me to hold on to these things things and these feelings that the Lord wanted to replace for such a long time! I felt Him daily trying to reassure me and push me towards letting it go, but I didn't have the strength on my own. And it was this morning I realized that without Him, I cannot do one darn thing. Without Him, I have not only a little bit of strength, but no strength at all. He asked of me something, and I was right. I couldn't do it on my own even if I was willing! But He didn't ask me so He could see if I would be able to do it by myself, He asked me because He knew what I was missing out on, He wanted better for me emotionally and spiritually, and it was going to be ALL HIM. All I had to do was let Him. Don't get me wrong, we're going to have to do some work too. With the strength that He provides in us, His mind, His power and heart, we are going to have to actively trust, allow do what He is asking of us. But by His power alone will we do it.
I wanted peace. For months, I went back to everything I knew in the bible about trusting God and Him comforting me and all of the "feel good" chapters like Psalms, Corinthians, Ephesians & John. For the longest time I meditated on those genre of verses just to ignite the Lord's strength inside of me to be able to come to terms with the very thing I had not wanted to. I was scared, I didn't want to let go of what He so badly wanted me to, and I was giving power to the evil one who wanted me to hold on for as long as possible, only to get further and further from where the Lord had me going. That is always his goal. Always.With all of that being said, this morning I took the active step towards letting. it. go. And I finally did! No, I'm not 5 months in, I don't have all of the answers when it comes to what happens afterwards. However, I'm guessing that along with a tiny bit of hurt, or even a lot of hurt, I will experience what the Lord has been waiting to give me for such a long time. I will rest in peace in His presence, I will begin to see the small things again and appreciate them with every ounce of being in me. I will be able to give myself the opportunity to TRUST and to desire, and know that the Lord has my perfect plan in mind. I can focus on Him completely, awaiting the next trial that He has for me. This one was so not fun. Seriously, when are they? But I know that I have hit a strength level that I never knew I would be able to reach. I have a new passion and desire to strive to look like Him in everything I do, knowing I will come short and ready to accept His grace that is brand new every single morning. I want what He has, not what He has and a little bit of what I want, but all that He has for me- hurt, pain, trials and all. It so worth it.
All in all, please. I beg of you- begin actively taking steps towards letting go of what you feel the Spirit inside of you is telling you to let go of. Weather you know the reasoning or not, allow Him to show you so you can trust Him that much more! If He always told us why, we would have no story! No reason to trust Him! Let Him help you. He is holding your hand and telling you that you can do it. I promise you that you can. So please, for the sake of you and more importantly Him, hand it up to Him, and the peace that surpasses your understanding will guard your heart and your mind through Him. He promises it!
Where to BEGIN!? I almost have no idea. However, I do know that this morning was a big one. A morning of freedom, realization, pain and excitement! A lot of feels for one morning, but believe it. When I was in High School, I was in my parent's room and my dad told me to stand on the very edge of this floral rug that they had on the ground in front of their television. As I stood there confused, he told me to then lean far in front of me while keeping my feet on the edge. As far as I could go without letting myself fall. He then proceeded to tell me that that was where I was. That I am on the edge of something amazing! I'm so close to being in a good state, a peaceful and powerful place in my relationship with the Lord, but something is holding me back and I'm letting it. That's exactly how I've felt in these past several months.
Have you ever held onto something that you feel the Holy Spirit telling you to let go of? Are you currently rather? Bitterness towards a sister, a lingering relationship with a significant other, hurt from a friend doing you wrong, fear of something that should be in the Lord's hands? Whatever it is, I'm with you. For a long time, I've felt like I could't fully and 100% give every ounce of me to the Lord. And I had no idea what it was! I seriously would wake up and not have peace, and not understand as to why I couldn't just sit and rest in the presence of God without going back and seeing if there is any sin that hash't been dealt with, or trying to figure out where I let satan get a foothold. I got tired of it- and did nothing about it. Needless to say, fear took over. I wanted so desperately to just give EVERYTHING of myself to the Lord, but the Holy Spirit was telling me to let go of something, and slowly but surely after shoving that particular thing to the back of my mind in hopes that our God would potentially you know- just forget about it like I wanted to, after intentionally becoming so distant from that very thing that I had to pray and ask the Lord what it was, fully knowing the answer however not wanting to accept it, after such a long time without full satisfaction, I allowed myself to realize. And BOY was it difficult. I kept thinking "what if I let this go and You don't replace the pain with something else?" In other words, "What if I have to hurt?"
For some reason, this very question, "what if I have to hurt" kept me from peace, joy, fulfillment and freedom for quite some time. We are so afraid of hurt, when this is the very thing the Lord tries to prepare us for in His word. We will experience pain, for His glory alone! My fear and distrust in the Lord led me to hold on to these things things and these feelings that the Lord wanted to replace for such a long time! I felt Him daily trying to reassure me and push me towards letting it go, but I didn't have the strength on my own. And it was this morning I realized that without Him, I cannot do one darn thing. Without Him, I have not only a little bit of strength, but no strength at all. He asked of me something, and I was right. I couldn't do it on my own even if I was willing! But He didn't ask me so He could see if I would be able to do it by myself, He asked me because He knew what I was missing out on, He wanted better for me emotionally and spiritually, and it was going to be ALL HIM. All I had to do was let Him. Don't get me wrong, we're going to have to do some work too. With the strength that He provides in us, His mind, His power and heart, we are going to have to actively trust, allow do what He is asking of us. But by His power alone will we do it.
I wanted peace. For months, I went back to everything I knew in the bible about trusting God and Him comforting me and all of the "feel good" chapters like Psalms, Corinthians, Ephesians & John. For the longest time I meditated on those genre of verses just to ignite the Lord's strength inside of me to be able to come to terms with the very thing I had not wanted to. I was scared, I didn't want to let go of what He so badly wanted me to, and I was giving power to the evil one who wanted me to hold on for as long as possible, only to get further and further from where the Lord had me going. That is always his goal. Always.With all of that being said, this morning I took the active step towards letting. it. go. And I finally did! No, I'm not 5 months in, I don't have all of the answers when it comes to what happens afterwards. However, I'm guessing that along with a tiny bit of hurt, or even a lot of hurt, I will experience what the Lord has been waiting to give me for such a long time. I will rest in peace in His presence, I will begin to see the small things again and appreciate them with every ounce of being in me. I will be able to give myself the opportunity to TRUST and to desire, and know that the Lord has my perfect plan in mind. I can focus on Him completely, awaiting the next trial that He has for me. This one was so not fun. Seriously, when are they? But I know that I have hit a strength level that I never knew I would be able to reach. I have a new passion and desire to strive to look like Him in everything I do, knowing I will come short and ready to accept His grace that is brand new every single morning. I want what He has, not what He has and a little bit of what I want, but all that He has for me- hurt, pain, trials and all. It so worth it.
All in all, please. I beg of you- begin actively taking steps towards letting go of what you feel the Spirit inside of you is telling you to let go of. Weather you know the reasoning or not, allow Him to show you so you can trust Him that much more! If He always told us why, we would have no story! No reason to trust Him! Let Him help you. He is holding your hand and telling you that you can do it. I promise you that you can. So please, for the sake of you and more importantly Him, hand it up to Him, and the peace that surpasses your understanding will guard your heart and your mind through Him. He promises it!
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