Modesty. Gentle in Spirit. Submissive. Helper. These are all words found in the book of life, that women (especially these days) tend to turn their noses up to. Why is it that femininity or womanhood has strictly become dependent upon our outer appearance? I so often hear women talking about wanting to look sexy, or dressing/acting in such a way that will draw positive attention to them, and unfortunately not so very often do I hear women putting their outer appearance on the back burner, to focus on the character and worth that can only be founded in the Lord. Now, I struggle with this too. I think all women do! There may always be this inner desire to look attractive, and there is nothing wrong with that! However, when we are acting or dressing TO attract, this is where the heart issue comes in.
This time is a scary one. Society really couldn't care less anymore about character, inner beauty, or godliness. What's attracting men and winning over hearts is this sassy, sexy, demanding, independent sort of attitude and appearance, and it is slowly but surely killing this generation, and the next to come. Women, our goal should not be to have the sexiest body, so that we can find the skimpiest bathing suit, or hottest outfit to go out in. Not at all. Our goal should be to protect the hearts and minds of young men out there who will inevitably struggle. Make that fight a little bit easier for them. There are husbands out there, boyfriends, fathers, and brothers in Christ whose flesh may desire every bit of the skin you're showing, but their Spirits are fighting and rejecting it. No, we should not make these changes simply and only to please/protect our brothers, but you will sure be blessed and thanked for it. Our goal is to please our Lord and Savior, and invite people into His kingdom.
As examples and light bearers of the Lord, words like selfless, submissive, modesty and gentle in Spirit, should circle in our hearts and minds over and over. We should strive for it. Write it on our to-do lists. That sassy attitude and harsh tone may be cute or funny to some, but it is a tragedy to our Lord. There are too many women out there already who are not carrying the name of our God well, and most not at all. Be the ones. Discipline ourselves to find our worth and praise from our God, instead of the men surrounding us. Trust me, in the long run they will appreciate it. Strive to forgive, and to be sweet, instead of being argumentative, judgmental and harsh. Be a safe place of peace for people. Be a breath of fresh air for those around you who are striving just like you, to become the woman that the Lord intends for them to be. You will be blessed for your fight against the devil's schemes. Women, it's hard to come by. It truly is. Going to church, attending a weekly bible study, and proclaiming the name of Jesus is wonderful, but it is not the end all, be all. Let's produce some fruit. Let's be earthly bearers of the Holy Spirit. Let's be those few! We can do it together.

Monday, August 31, 2015
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Out of Our Control
Oh Lord, blessed is the man who trusts in You. Psalm 84:12
Over the course of the last four months, (to put it simply) I have been struggling to find a job. To be honest, I have never in my life had to search so hard. I owe that all to the Lord's favor, but am seriously struggling as to finding a reason why? I have put myself out there in ways that I never thought I would have to, I have gone for jobs that I thought "surely, I am better than this", and have (at least in my mind) been willing to "settle" simply for the sake of making a little bit of cash. At the end of the day, I'm left frustrated. I look at my siblings and how their lives and jobs are flourishing, how the Lord is providing work for them left and right, and it's difficult for me to remain in a state of thankfulness.
However when I really get to thinking; and it doesn't take all that much, I am blown away at His faithfulness. He has provided in ways that I can only smile of while telling, and has carried me through this time of frustration, fear, embarrassment, and doubt. He has been there, and continues to be there continuously, and for that I have no words. I was finally able to have enough time to publish my official photography website (which I am trusting will slowly but surely take off in ways that I would never be able to imagine), and to design/order some business cards that turned out wonderfully as well! He has provided me with the finances and time to do the things I need to do, and sometimes even the things I WANT to do. I have never gone without a bed, or without a meal.
Sometimes, we don't always comprehend why we are in a certain season of life. I couldn't tell you why it has been this hard for me to find a job, and why every possible opportunity has fallen through up to this point. It's frustrating, hurtful, and draining. However, I do know that He is in complete control. Weather we feel like that or not, that is truth, and truth is what we operate out of. We don't operate out of the natural, but the supernatural. Not fear, not feelings, but what His Words says, and that alone. His Word tells us that He will never forsake us, and that His understanding is far above ours. He has a job set in place for me, and He sees 3 months, 1 year, even ten years from now. He has a plan for me in this time, and for my life that I may not see right now. If I don't have a job right now, and I am doing everything that I can, then the Lord is saving me from something. It has nothing to do with me at the end of the day. Nothing to do with my skill set or talent or experience, but His will and favor for my life. I could be unbelievably qualified, and not get the job, as well as overwhelmingly unqualified, and end up getting it. It's all Him, and none of us, and that is something that during seasons of life like these, we can absolutely rest in.
Feel free to leave your prayer requests in the comment section of this post, or in my inbox on Facebook. They will be written down and prayed over gratefully.
Over the course of the last four months, (to put it simply) I have been struggling to find a job. To be honest, I have never in my life had to search so hard. I owe that all to the Lord's favor, but am seriously struggling as to finding a reason why? I have put myself out there in ways that I never thought I would have to, I have gone for jobs that I thought "surely, I am better than this", and have (at least in my mind) been willing to "settle" simply for the sake of making a little bit of cash. At the end of the day, I'm left frustrated. I look at my siblings and how their lives and jobs are flourishing, how the Lord is providing work for them left and right, and it's difficult for me to remain in a state of thankfulness.
However when I really get to thinking; and it doesn't take all that much, I am blown away at His faithfulness. He has provided in ways that I can only smile of while telling, and has carried me through this time of frustration, fear, embarrassment, and doubt. He has been there, and continues to be there continuously, and for that I have no words. I was finally able to have enough time to publish my official photography website (which I am trusting will slowly but surely take off in ways that I would never be able to imagine), and to design/order some business cards that turned out wonderfully as well! He has provided me with the finances and time to do the things I need to do, and sometimes even the things I WANT to do. I have never gone without a bed, or without a meal.
Sometimes, we don't always comprehend why we are in a certain season of life. I couldn't tell you why it has been this hard for me to find a job, and why every possible opportunity has fallen through up to this point. It's frustrating, hurtful, and draining. However, I do know that He is in complete control. Weather we feel like that or not, that is truth, and truth is what we operate out of. We don't operate out of the natural, but the supernatural. Not fear, not feelings, but what His Words says, and that alone. His Word tells us that He will never forsake us, and that His understanding is far above ours. He has a job set in place for me, and He sees 3 months, 1 year, even ten years from now. He has a plan for me in this time, and for my life that I may not see right now. If I don't have a job right now, and I am doing everything that I can, then the Lord is saving me from something. It has nothing to do with me at the end of the day. Nothing to do with my skill set or talent or experience, but His will and favor for my life. I could be unbelievably qualified, and not get the job, as well as overwhelmingly unqualified, and end up getting it. It's all Him, and none of us, and that is something that during seasons of life like these, we can absolutely rest in.
Feel free to leave your prayer requests in the comment section of this post, or in my inbox on Facebook. They will be written down and prayed over gratefully.
Saturday, February 7, 2015
We're All Hurting Somewhere
I am someone who finds so much comfort in the pain, fear and struggle of others. I know that sounds somewhat terrible and a little bit frightening, but it's true. That's just the way that I am. Whenever something is going on with me, whenever I'm in a rough spot or season, am drowning in fear or discouragement- second after prayer, I like to go to people. I want to talk. Tell me what YOU'RE scared of, what you cry about often, what forces you to rest in Him all the more? Listening to others open up to a vulnerable, secret and dusty place in their souls... there is something so beautiful about it. It reminds me that I'm not alone. It reminds me that we're all messed up. That we are all indeed so, so very in need of our perfect, ever capable, healing, loving Savior.
To be honest, one of my biggest fears is messing up. I know... I giggled myself. However, it's true! I mean, I have an extensive past. I lied, I stole, I was dishonest, judgmental, disrespectful, dishonoring- I was a hurt, insecure, fearful young girl, hiding behind a rough, mean, and hard exterior. The Lord was no where present in my life, and that was evident for all to see. Then, long story short- the Lord completely transformed my life. He came and shook me, broke me, and is continuing to mold me day by day. He has stolen my heart and I will forever continue living my life as a bondservant of Him.
I think that accepting grace is a process. Yes, you just have to do it, but it's probably one of the hardest things I am continuously learning. Once your eyes are opened to the stunning, breathtaking transforming love of our Lord, you simply begin to become so, so small. I have struggled ever since the day I asked Jesus Christ to come into my heart, with performance. I fear failure, I fear discomfort, I fear fear! I forget that it's okay to be hurt, or terrified, or doubt. I forget that we're all human, and that we came into this world so needy and desperate for our God. I forget that my every breath is being sustained by our Creator. I so easily can get caught up in wrapping my problems inside of this pretty little Paper Source wrapped box with the most darling pink bow on it, and some glitter... you know, just for a little extra distraction.
Something I have been recognizing lately, is how unbelievably imperfect we all are. The issue with my fear of failure, or looking bad, is pride. That is the root of it. Satan wants me to feel as though first of all, I am even capable of doing or being "good" or "perfect" on my own, and that second of all, no one else on this planet is struggling with absolutely anything. It's just me. That is a lie from the pit of hell! We are here FOR people. Our soul purpose here is for us to relationship! To fear, doubt and mess up together, and then to pick each other up and push each other towards Christ! To ask the stranger sitting next to you on the train, what his greatest fear is. To talk to someone new on your lunch break, and to begin a conversation about how many times daily I have to remind myself of God's truth and grace, while in a relationship! People are so willing, I promise you! We just rarely give each other the space, the time or the effort, to allow ourselves access to such a valuable reminder: We are not alone. We all need Him! Growth comes with vulnerability. It doesn't always come easy! Think of the times in your life where you have experienced the most growth! It's when you have to wake up at 4:00 a.m. to babysit the children of the corn! It's when your boss is an #%&$@ and you have to fight every ounce of your will in order to not flip a table. It's when you lose someone so close to you, or when you find out the most heart wrenching news you have ever received. Those are the times when we need and desire for someone or something so much bigger than ourselves. Everyone is hurting, everyone is struggling in one area or another. Let's remind ourselves of that, come together and point, push, and encourage each other towards Him.
To be honest, one of my biggest fears is messing up. I know... I giggled myself. However, it's true! I mean, I have an extensive past. I lied, I stole, I was dishonest, judgmental, disrespectful, dishonoring- I was a hurt, insecure, fearful young girl, hiding behind a rough, mean, and hard exterior. The Lord was no where present in my life, and that was evident for all to see. Then, long story short- the Lord completely transformed my life. He came and shook me, broke me, and is continuing to mold me day by day. He has stolen my heart and I will forever continue living my life as a bondservant of Him.
I think that accepting grace is a process. Yes, you just have to do it, but it's probably one of the hardest things I am continuously learning. Once your eyes are opened to the stunning, breathtaking transforming love of our Lord, you simply begin to become so, so small. I have struggled ever since the day I asked Jesus Christ to come into my heart, with performance. I fear failure, I fear discomfort, I fear fear! I forget that it's okay to be hurt, or terrified, or doubt. I forget that we're all human, and that we came into this world so needy and desperate for our God. I forget that my every breath is being sustained by our Creator. I so easily can get caught up in wrapping my problems inside of this pretty little Paper Source wrapped box with the most darling pink bow on it, and some glitter... you know, just for a little extra distraction.
Something I have been recognizing lately, is how unbelievably imperfect we all are. The issue with my fear of failure, or looking bad, is pride. That is the root of it. Satan wants me to feel as though first of all, I am even capable of doing or being "good" or "perfect" on my own, and that second of all, no one else on this planet is struggling with absolutely anything. It's just me. That is a lie from the pit of hell! We are here FOR people. Our soul purpose here is for us to relationship! To fear, doubt and mess up together, and then to pick each other up and push each other towards Christ! To ask the stranger sitting next to you on the train, what his greatest fear is. To talk to someone new on your lunch break, and to begin a conversation about how many times daily I have to remind myself of God's truth and grace, while in a relationship! People are so willing, I promise you! We just rarely give each other the space, the time or the effort, to allow ourselves access to such a valuable reminder: We are not alone. We all need Him! Growth comes with vulnerability. It doesn't always come easy! Think of the times in your life where you have experienced the most growth! It's when you have to wake up at 4:00 a.m. to babysit the children of the corn! It's when your boss is an #%&$@ and you have to fight every ounce of your will in order to not flip a table. It's when you lose someone so close to you, or when you find out the most heart wrenching news you have ever received. Those are the times when we need and desire for someone or something so much bigger than ourselves. Everyone is hurting, everyone is struggling in one area or another. Let's remind ourselves of that, come together and point, push, and encourage each other towards Him.
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