Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Out of Our Control

Oh Lord, blessed is the man who trusts in You. Psalm 84:12

Over the course of the last four months, (to put it simply) I have been struggling to find a job. To be honest, I have never in my life had to search so hard. I owe that all to the Lord's favor, but am seriously struggling as to finding a reason why? I have put myself out there in ways that I never thought I would have to, I have gone for jobs that I thought "surely, I am better than this", and have (at least in my mind) been willing to "settle" simply for the sake of making a little bit of cash. At the end of the day, I'm left frustrated. I look at my siblings and how their lives and jobs are flourishing, how the Lord is providing work for them left and right, and it's difficult for me to remain in a state of thankfulness. 

However when I really get to thinking; and it doesn't take all that much, I am blown away at His faithfulness. He has provided in ways that I can only smile of while telling, and has carried me through this time of frustration, fear, embarrassment, and doubt. He has been there, and continues to be there continuously, and for that I have no words. I was finally able to have enough time to publish my official photography website (which I am trusting will slowly but surely take off in ways that I would never be able to imagine), and to design/order some business cards that turned out wonderfully as well! He has provided me with the finances and time to do the things I need to do, and sometimes even the things I WANT to do. I have never gone without a bed, or without a meal. 

Sometimes, we don't always comprehend why we are in a certain season of life. I couldn't tell you why it has been this hard for me to find a job, and why every possible opportunity has fallen through up to this point. It's frustrating, hurtful, and draining. However, I do know that He is in complete control. Weather we feel like that or not, that is truth, and truth is what we operate out of. We don't operate out of the natural, but the supernatural. Not fear, not feelings, but what His Words says, and that alone. His Word tells us that He will never forsake us, and that His understanding is far above ours. He has a job set in place for me, and He sees 3 months, 1 year, even ten years from now. He has a plan for me in this time, and for my life that I may not see right now. If I don't have a job right now, and I am doing everything that I can, then the Lord is saving me from something. It has nothing to do with me at the end of the day. Nothing to do with my skill set or talent or experience, but His will and favor for my life. I could be unbelievably qualified, and not get the job, as well as overwhelmingly unqualified, and end up getting it. It's all Him, and none of us, and that is something that during seasons of life like these, we can absolutely rest in.

Feel free to leave your prayer requests in the comment section of this post, or in my inbox on Facebook. They will be written down and prayed over gratefully.