Wednesday, August 17, 2016

All About Grace

I remember when I first decided to follow the Lord. I always sort of catch a side eye from fellow believers because I can't quite mark the exact day, time, location, what I was wearing, or what color hair tie I was using at the time I accepted Jesus into my heart. All I knew was that it MUST have happened at some point, due to the fact that I rang the bell (a congratulatory symbol of asking Jesus into your heart at Kanakuk Camp) at least 30 times. For me, I prayed the prayer (probably one too many times), I was baptized, but it was more of a process for me. More of a learning and growing experience rather than me waking up feeling saved and living life like a "Christian".

I think nowadays, it's really easy to want to judge or come to our own conclusion on whether or not someone is ACTUALLY a believer. I hear sayings such as "Well, he says he is a believer...but... you know." or "She is a Christian, but not an actual like, deep Christian." or even "I mean, she is just spiritually immature so, I think she is one of "those" Christians that SAY they're a Christian but..." All of which I have been guilty of myself in some way shape or form. My point is, what do these even mean? Why does someone have to fit a certain bill in order to pass as a good enough believer to the point where there are no if, ands, or buts when they confess Jesus is Lord of their life?

Think back to the time when YOU first asked Jesus to be the ruler of your heart. Was it really an overnight change? If so, that's awesome! Yet for the other 99.9% of people who need to put in the work in order to see ounces of change at once, where is our grace? In all honesty, I'm sure I ruined many opportunities to plant seeds when I first became a believer, even turned people away! However, I was learning. I still lied, if I didn't cuss out loud, I did in my head, I said things that I absolutely regret, I was judgmental, gossipy, impure, and everything that would constitute as NOT a "real" Christian to most people's standards.

We need grace. People need grace. I STILL need grace. We always will. Christianity is not about whether or not someone cusses, or tells inappropriate jokes, or has not very well thought out tattoos, or purple colored hair, or dare I address bigger issues in the Christian community like adultery, theft, or sexual immorality! Since when are these "offenses" powerful enough to completely steal away ones faith? It is all the same to Him. Yes, we must look at the fruit, and fruit can speak volumes. However, do not look at one apple and assume the entire tree is bad. As a matter of fact, stop examining and judging all together! We must leave that up to the Lord. People grow, and the Lord reveals certain things to His beloved children in His own timing. Not ours.

Our jobs are to love. Love hopes and trusts in all things! Love doesn't take something that someone said, and examine every possible reason why it may or may not be true, and to what extent. Love conquers all, and with love comes grace. Grace is what it is all about. If we can begin to look at people like Jesus looks at them, this judgmental, gossipy and quick-to-assumption world would be entirely different. Lets come alongside of each other and remember that we all as a body of Christ are flawed, and saved only by HIS grace alone. This will change everything.

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