Sunday, September 9, 2012

A Sister Shout-out

Living alone in a beautiful little town house that my parents were gracious enough to trust me with, has fortunately allowed me much time to think (and eat unfortunately). Therefore, lately what has been prevalent on my mind is the loveliness of having my sistaaas. I used to selfishly think to myself, why couldn't I be an only child (with the mindset of getting more toys) it seems so fun, and free and what not. Well to this day, I will never cease to thank God for the family I have been tremendously blessed with. Don't believe me? Let me explain.

We have the lovely Kristen. Also known as "Kiki" or "our second mother". Growing up, if you needed pity or someone to stand up to dad in order to get 2 spanks instead of 5. Kristen was the sister you prayed would be there! She has such a loving, motherly mindset about her that none of the Singletary girls could quite understand, but we love it nonetheless. She was also kind of the guinea pig for everything. I'll never forget the many conversations we have had with her on all the things that she has experienced in her past, as the oldest. The amount of wisdom she has towards things you would never think twice about is incredible, and if there were ever a sibling I would go to for comfort, it would be her. I was talking to my little sister Brooke last week, and we almost ran through every sibling. Kiki was the comforter. She is the type of person you just want to complain to, or get reassurance from. It's incredible how much better you feel after you receive the wise words or Kristen Calhoun. I will never forget sticking my legs through the banister, making up every excuse as to why she should be in bed, simply to keep me company when we shared a room. I'll never forget those days...I admired her, and I always will. She is so fun! Anytime I simply want to hang out, her presence is always enjoyed. There is never a dull conversation with her, and even though she is mid 20's, married AND has a gorgeous child, I will never get past the amazing sister that she will always be in my eyes. I couldn't have gotten through so much of my past if it weren't for her encouragement and verbal slaps in the face every now and then. She is one of the biggest blessings in my life, and always has been. 

Then comes Matt, but since were only talking about the lovely ladies here... Jillian! Jill and I have in our recent past had some... for lack of a better word "Issues" per say. Theres much that goes into it, but praise the Lord we are finally coming out of it. I've never doubted that our relationship was important. If Satan worked that hard to break us apart, there must be some meaning to it. Let's see. Jill is a sister that everyone MUST have. She's very independent. Strong. Can most definitely hold her own, but has a sensitive, genuine and sweet heart that not everyone gets the privilege of experiencing. Getting to experience both sides of that, being the one under her was a blessing. If there was one person in this family that I've learned from, it is her. The Lord used her to reveal many things inside of myself that needed to be changed. Not to mention, the incredible growth that I have gotten to see in her has been a blessing. It is crazy how one man stepped into her life, and how God used him to completely change her in nearly every way. Without a doubt it was initially the Holy Spirit who did the work, but every time I see her, more and more has positively changed in the way that I view her, and hopefully vice versa. Jill is and will remain one of the most important people in my life. We continue to work on our relationship and I know God has big plans for us that I am so excited to see. She is an amazing young woman who has grown so much, at such a young age. Weather she sees it or not, everyone else can and she deserves great things.

Then comes Brookie, B-Rock, Sunshine, Cranberry. My lovely, sexy sassy younger sister. I've been excited about typing this one. Oh goodness how God has worked through us! It has been WAY more than a privilege and joy getting to know, spend time with and grow with Brooke. Dad has always told us how important this relationship is, and how we needed to begin mending and working on it. Both of us had many things that needed to be dealt with first of all, personally, spiritually, emotionally and then between each other. Never would I have thought we would get to this amazing place. The conversations that we have had together, the time spent just getting to experience one another by ourselves and genuinely has been so beneficial to our relationship. Having difficult conversations, coming to terms with the fact that we are two completely different people with different views, and humbling ourself to see things, deal with things and understand each other in the ways that best fit each other has allowed us to really experience genuine love. I have never seen someone with more of a heart, and concern for others than Brooke. It always blew my mind how much she cared for her siblings and friends well being, just because. She is one of the few heroes that I have. I've loved getting to grow with her and see her as a person in a way that I never have. She is such a light without even seeing it, and I am astonished as to how close that we have gotten over the past few MONTHS! Brooke is someone I couldn't live without. We need each other and I can see that clearly now. If this much growth has happened in such a short time, I can only imagine a couple more years living here, only 45 minutes away from her. Not to mention, a salsa class I will be attending with her on Wheaton's campus next week. YAY! Brooke is a blessing. A perfect young woman that the Lord created to bless others, and that she will do. Weather she knows it or not, she's so smart (but really), hilarious and HOT! I love her to death and always will.

Then, last but not least. My little drama queen/diva. I am near a lost for words when it comes to "DQ". Not really though. Cause I can laugh at the simple thought of her. There is not many people that I would rather spend time with than her. Despite her insane "clean-freak/ germ-a-phobe issues" I will never stop needing my Becky time. I adore watching her grow into this beautiful young woman. One of my favorite things about Becky is her desire to do the Lord's will. It is so encouraging to see such a young girl really make sacrifices for the sake of her growth in the relationship with Christ. She is a wonderful example to her piers and the qualities of leadership she has within her are ones that I desire. She is such a strong woman who really is grounded with her beliefs, and are not afraid to enlighten someone on what is right, but is beyond loving and understanding, and knows when to simply love with your actions. She has always been there for me... when I needed a loving sister to pick me up and encourage, pray, even laugh with me. Becky is the sister I go to. Our family wouldn't be the same without her, and she totally knows it! She's awesome to talk to. Her realness and lack of fear being vulnerable definitely allows people to be real with her. I admire her honesty, but ability to cope and understand when your simply annoyed or irritated at something... which 99% of the time is due to your own fault. Yet, she will sympathize but encourage and work with you through it, with love. I smile when I think of times that we have had, conversations that were held, and laughs that were shared. No one is afraid to be themselves with a dash of crazy around Becky. And if you are, she'll bring it out of you! Although sometimes she may need to be lent a brown bag to breathe through due to her feisty diva ways, I wouldn't trade her for anything. I absolutely lover her and am beyond blessed to have a little/grown sissy like her.

Jealous yet? Clearly I am beyond blessed. I will never stop thanking the Lord for incredible sisters that I have. Who have been with me through everything. Hard times, and the worst times. Thankfully, we get to enjoy the beautiful, amazing fun times the Lord graces us with as well. I am so thankful for them and couldn't ask for better not only sisters, but people in my life that really know how to love. To look past the things that one has done, where they have been or what they have gone through. To see the best in them and not only love them though it, but help and grow them as well. I wouldn't be where I am today without them, they helped save my life and I will forever be grateful. I have the absolute best sisters in the world! The Singletary sister bond can never be broken. If Satan cant do it, good luck ;)

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