Thursday, April 17, 2014

Keep Pushing

It happens to everyone. There comes a point where our work, school responsibilities and relationships catch up with us, and we become so bogged down by it all. Our priorities lose order, we quit praying, our bibles become dusty and for some reason we know what to do, but nothing changes.

It can be very difficult sometimes to push through, or to find the strength to do so. We get caught up in our own self-pity and remain stuck until it literally becomes so draining and heavy that we have no idea how we got there, and what to do to get out of it. This mindset of passiveness is very dangerous. We begin to seek other things instead of seeking the Lord, and we start running away from the healthy and beneficial things that we need, which will ultimately bring us peace, strength and joy.

There are a few ways that the Lord helps us to push through. Putting these things to action can be the hard part, but I promise you- it's Satan drilling that feeling into your mind. All we have to do is take one step forward, and we'll see it wasn't so bad after all. We don't have to do it on our own! The Lord is doing it for us, and all we have to do is trust Him.

1. Accountability
Surround yourself with people who will encourage you and lovingly call you out when you begin going through the motions or coasting. There's something so freeing, strengthening and encouraging about sharing our burdens with people that we can confide in, pray with or simply vent to. Whatever it may be, those people in your life are to cherish. Allow yourself to become vulnerable, and use those prayer warriors and encouragers to walk with you through times like those. The Lord has them in your life for a reason and it's so beautiful to see what can grow from transparency.

2. Taking Every Though Captive
It's so easy to allow ourselves to become a victim during these trying times. Our perspectives can become so easily changed by simply a verse, an encouraging word, or even the literal act of intentionally taking a negative though or feeling and turning it around, making it pleasing to you and the Lord. Don't let Satan fill your mind with all of these discouraging and helpless thoughts. We have the mind of Christ, and we can do all things through Him.

3. He Sees You
One of the most common feelings is that we are doing it alone! We are totally not, and its so difficult to see that when we are in the middle of it all. We so often forget the blessings that the await us on the other side of these funks. God is right with us, holding our hands and acknowledging every step that we take, either forward or backwards. The best part is, is that He isn't condemning us! He is encouraging us, helping us and loving us through every little moment. Weather we are going strong or we are in these terrible ruts in our lives, He never leaves nor forsakes us. He sees our hurts, cares and hard work and cares for them so deeply.

The next time you are sinking in quick sand and feel as though you are helpless, remember these truths. You may be going through one of those times right now! Whatever and whenever it may be, recognize and remember these 3 simple things, and our journey to growing closer to Christ and moving forward as a stronger and bolder believer will begin. You can do it!

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