Friday, May 30, 2014

His Little Whispers

As this Summer rolls in and the days pass, (as incredibly thrilled as that makes me) I feel cornered more and more by the craziness of all things around me- simply by change in particular. It's so difficult sometimes to really grasp all that is happening at once, most of the time because we are not meant to. I can literally generate a small knot in my stomach by the simple thought of relaxation. All that there is to prepare for and all that there is to do, are ideas that consistently run through my mind. The Lord, being the gracious and sweet God that He is, will rarely make a scene. Sometimes we will hear Him whispering to us- so kindly and patiently, however we choose to ignore it. It usually takes discipline for us to put our flesh to rest, and to heed to the voice of the Holy Spirit. To rest in Him is something that He desires so much for us. He cant force us to trust Him, to lay everything at His feet and put full faith in Him that He will give us the grace, strength and courage we need for each day. What He will do is remind us- through His word and through His sweet whispers, to take a breather, rest in Him and to enjoy the simple little mercies He provides for us each and every day. Today, my "cloud 9" was the sound of one thousand beautiful bird songs, some vitamin D and these stunning pink roses that I spent some much needed time shooting. I hope you can live vicariously through these photos and enjoy them as much as I did today!

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